Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dallas Suzuki has a kid!

I can't believe that Dallas has a kid, and I am surprised that they kept it. I really thought that joe henry was her brother! But I guess it makes sense because usually when he get sexually harassed or raped, there's most of the time a child from it. I really hope that ben tells her soon because it seems like things keep getting bigger and bigger and things will crash and burn when he tells her, if he tells her before he gets sick. It's great that he will be there for her even though he won't be there to much longer. But, again, it is also bad that he hasn't told her yet. Also, I when she said that her grandparents went to a concentration camp, I was surprised and a little confused. At first I thought t myself, "Wait, Dallas is Jewish?!?" And then I read on and saw that she was talking about Japan and the war and things like that. I completely forgot that she was Japanese, but in the beginning I guess I thought she was asian...whoops! haha.
But wow, Joe henry doesn't even know that she is his actual mother. That's crazy, and sad.


  1. I know right and I almost forgot she was japanese too. Until she started talking about the japanese concentration camps. in the end. Oh and Ben is going to hurt Dallas so bad in the end he should have told her and took the treatment it might have worked or at least help him live longer. Sometimes I think he is can be really stupid.

  2. Yeah, I thought he was her little bro! Thanks for clearing that up, it's cool that you have a blog about this book :)

  3. I'm sure her name ( Dallas Suzuki ) gives away the Japanese in her. lol
