Thursday, November 18, 2010

I finished the book! =O

the book was sad but good
I almost cried if my cat didn't pop out of no where and jumped on back while I was reading. LOL
But anyways the end was really powerful and the whole point of this stories is that secrets can kill just as much as the disease. Telling the truth is very important part of life and lies can make people mad. When Ben started to tell people the truth He was getting in trouble more then if he told the truth in the beginning. I wish through that Dallas didn't get so mad. I mean I think I would be mad too but I would also try to understand how Ben was feeling and I probably get over being mad in like a few days.
I thought it was really powerful when Cody read Ben's speech and that they made that street Malcolm x Avenue. I can't believe sooner and Rudy died also.
But anyways great Book happy I read it just sad but good ending =)

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